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Adobe Digital Editions

Adobe Digital Editions

eBook reader for all your Adobe DRM protected books

Bible Offline-KJV Holy Bible
Sky Tonight - Star Gazer Guide
Al-Quran আল কুরআন
Koran Read 30 Juz Offline
One eBook reader for all your Adobe DRM protected books across your Android Devices, iPad, Mac or PC. Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) is free-to-download and use, and completely ad-free. Use it to read EPUB and PDF books, both online and offline. Borrow ebooks from many public libraries for use with ADE. Extend your reading experience by transferring books from your personal computer to your Android devices. Organize your books into a beautiful custom library.

Experience gorgeous media rich books filled with interactive features, videos, and more. ADE’s support for EPUB3 standard allows you: consistent rendering of audio and video content; dynamic image resizing without loss in clarity; support for multi-column layouts, interactive quizzes, and math formulas.
Seamless fulfillment of books across devices: With this new feature, when a consumer fulfills a book on one device, the book will be automatically downloaded to all the other devices that belong to this consumer (activated using the same user ID).

• Choose from different font sizes and five easy-to-read page modes
• Highlight your favorite passages and add notes with the built-in bookmarking features
• Easily find a word or a character anywhere in the book with the powerful search feature
• Use the night mode, or adjust your screen brightness to find the perfect lighting for any environment

By downloading, you agree to the Terms of Use at, http://www.adobe.com/special/misc/terms.html

Do not sell my information: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/ca-rights.html
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10,837 total
5 1,079
4 571
3 381
2 698
1 8,092

Changelog / What's New

Compatible with Android SDK 33.

Additional Information

  • 1.1
  • Android 4.4+
  • Everyone
  • 1000000

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